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Oil coolers (OC): Oil coolers OC2,5, OC4, OC6, OC10, OC12, OC18 are engineered to process liquid coolhouse in machines, machine presses and other hydraulic machineries hydraulic systems. Mineral oils or other nonaggressive fluids are used as coolant. They don’t corrode aluminum or its alloys and have kinematic viscosity from 10 to 40 mm2/s at temperatures up to +70 °C and at ambient from +1 °C to +55 °C.

Industrial water supply is used as cooling fluid at temperatures from +5 to +30 °C. Oil coolers OC2, OC5, OC4, OC6, OC10, OC12, OC19 can be used in any position during exploitation.


  • Steam-jet ejector (steam turbine jet heater)
  • Gas-jet ejector
  • Water-jet ejector

Ejector is a jet device (steam turbine jet heater) in which the pressure of one (passive) flow is increased by mixing it with another (active) flow with a higher pressure.

Ejectors for turbine drives are used to create technical vacuum and pump various types of mixtures.

Adjustable modifications of ejectors for turbine drives provide stable operation in variable modes. Multi-stage ejector design enables a customer to get the required vacuum value.

Low- and high-pressure preheaters (LP and HP) are special devices used to heat regenerative systems condensate of stationary steam turbines and for other productive uses. Their main purpose is to increase the operating efficiency of thermal power plants. They are also commonly utilized at heating plants due to the flow of steam from boilers under low pressure. In such plants heating is performed in a stepwise manner by pumping through the system of pipes by condensate pumps installed in the turbine unit. The target temperature of the main condensate after passing through the PN heater system is about 148 degrees Celsius.

Water-water heater are manufactured in accordance with GOST (State Standard) 27590-88 “Water-water heaters for heat supply systems. General technical conditions” and TU 4933-003-00203101-97. Water heaters (HP) consist of sections of the casing type (the length of the sections is 2 m and 4 m, the diameter of the body of the sections is 57-325 mm) with a system of brass tubes and support partitions. The pipe system is made of L68 grade brass.

Water-water heater can be single-section and multiple-section. Sections are connected to each other by U-bends and reducers. U-bends and reducers are intended to build up and attach a section box to heating systems. Thus, the section box allows you to provide the required thermal characteristics. Hot water functions as a heat conductor. Operating parameters of media: pressure — no more than 1.0 MPa (10 kgf/cm2), temperature — no more than 150 °C.

Check valves (KOS-valves)

They are designed to prevent changes in the direction of water flow in water supply and heating systems made of steel and cast-iron pipes. It is a device that passes the flow of liquid through a pipeline in one direction and automatically closes when the flow direction changes. It is used in various heat and power or process units as a safety element which prevents equipment failure, in case of an emergency outage of the pump or compressor, technological pressure reduction in any section, or pipeline rupture when the flow of the medium changes direction to the opposite.


  • Fuel gas filters
  • Seal gas filters
  • Lubricating oil and liquid fuel filters
  • Distilled water filters

Expansion joints are devices applied to various types of pipework to equalize or eliminate an axial, shear or bending deflection or vibrations created by temperature variations, pressure, and operation of equipment installed on the pipeline. Expansion joints are made of several types, depending on their operating conditions and working environment: bellows, rubber, fluoroplastic or fabric. In the production of expansion joints, various materials are used for the bellows (flexible part) of the product. Expansion joints for pipelines can be completed depending on the design: connecting, limiting, guide and protective fittings.

PRDS, FRPRDS (pressure-reducing and desuperheating stations, fast-response pressure reducing and desuperheating stations):

Desuperheating station provides the reduced steam temperature reduction and is an integral part of a set of products within DS, PRDS, FRPRDS.

Desuperheating stations are installed on horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines behind the steam reduction valve and are connected to the pipelines by welding.

Depending on the operating parameters of superheated and reduced cooled steam, desuperheating stations have various designs that differ from each other in size, the design of the injection unit and the design of the sprayer units, as well as the number of throttling grids.


  • Feed steam and water pumps
  • Line pumps
  • Feed pumps
  • Raw water pumps
  • Condensing-water line pumps
  • Liquid fluid recirculation pumps
  • Oil-pumping equipment
  • Condensate pumps

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